Optometry in Focus: Glaucoma

Hello lovely internet world and happy Monday!

It’s been another month, so I guess it’s time for another eye post from yours truly.  Today’s topic? Glaucoma!

What is Glaucoma?

Okay, let’s start out with the basics.  Glaucoma is an ocular disease in which the intraocular pressure of the eye (IOP) is too great for the eye itself.  This causes progressive damage to the optic nerve, which, if left untreated, may cause blindness.

What causes increased pressure in the eye? 

Great question!
Believe it or not, the cause of increased IOP cannot always be determined.  This is most commonly the case in Primary Open Angle Glaucoma (POAG). However, in many other types of glaucoma, the reason for increased pressure is more obvious, and may be the result of trauma, inflammation, damage to the structures that allow aqueous/aqueous humor (fluid in the front portion of the eye) outflow.

Types of Glaucoma

Because there are various different reasons for increased IOP, there are also many different types of glaucoma itself. I won’t go into details on all of them today, as that’d take forever, but here’s a brief overview. 
  • Open Angle Glaucoma
    • This is the most common type of glaucoma.  As mentioned in the previous paragraph, the cause of the increased pressure in POAG isn’t fully determined.
  • Angle Closure Glaucoma
    • This is, essentially, the polar opposite of POAG.  Rather than having an open angle (aqueous outflow system), the angle is closed, preventing fluid from moving between the anterior chamber (area in front of the iris) and the posterior chamber (area between the iris and the lens.  If this is confusing, you can read more on it in Why Does My Eye Doctor… Part 3.)  Closure typically results from apposition of the iris to the edge of the cornea.
  • Pigmentary Glaucoma
    • Pigmentary glaucoma is a condition in which the angle is physically blocked by pigment, which has, over time, rubbed off of the posterior (back) portion of the iris (colored part of the eye).
  • Pseudoexfoliation Glaucoma
    • Pseudoexfoliation glaucoma, in many ways, is similar to pigmentary glaucoma, as they both arise from physical blockage of the drainage network.  However, in the case of pseudoexfoliation glaucoma, the blocking substance is a whitish-grey protein-like material, as opposed to pigment.
  • Neovascular Glaucoma
    • As with the previous two types of glaucoma, the pressure elevation in neovascular glaucoma results from a physical blockage of the angle.  In this condition, however, the angle is blocked by new blood vessels (neovascularization), which grow in the angle itself, as a result of improper blood flow (ischemia) in the retina.


And I could probably keep going on more obscure forms of glaucoma.  But for today, I’ll call it good there.

Glaucoma Treatment

Naturally, with so many different types of glaucoma, the method of treatment is also variable.  However, most glaucoma treatment options fall under two categories – medical therapy or surgical intervention – both with the end goal of decreased intraocular pressure.
1) Medical therapy:  Most commonly, this takes the form of eye drops, with some drops actively working to decrease aqueous output (ie beta blockers like Timolol), others working to open the drainage system (ie prostaglandins such as Travatan), and others doing a combination of both (ie ROCK inhibitors like Rhopressa).
2) Surgical intervention: This is admittedly a bit of a can of worms.  Surgical treatments for glaucoma can be as simple as a laser procedure (SLT/ALT) that helps to open up the angle for better outflow, to as extreme as a trabeculectomy (which literally removes part of the angle to allow for direct communication with the end outflow vessels), and anything and everything in between.

Glaucoma Symptoms

For better or worse, glaucoma is a pretty insidious disease.  Just as arterial hypertension has been referred to as the silent killer, glaucoma has been dubbed the silent blinder, simply because, as a rule, there aren’t many symptoms.
The blindness of glaucoma stands in stark contrast to the vision loss in conditions like macular degeneration.  In macular degeneration (which affects the most central, most defined part of your vision) the vision loss is pretty much impossible to ignore – it’s literally right in front of you at all times.  With glaucoma, however, the vision loss creeps in slowly from the sides.
Additionally, in most cases, there is no pain with glaucoma.  Yes, the pressures may be too high for the eye, but they’re not high enough to cause physical discomfort.
And so, without consistent testing, glaucoma may go undiagnosed for years.

Glaucoma Prognosis

Admittedly, glaucoma prognosis is a hard one for me, because there’s no guarantee.
In school, we are generally taught that glaucoma is a slow moving disease – there’s no need to rush treatments.  And, especially in POAG, that’s true.
However, not all glaucoma is primary open angle glaucoma.
And not all POAG progresses the same.
I’ve seen patients who have been on single drop therapy for years with virtually no change to their optic nerve and visual field.
I’ve worked with patients who are on maximum medical therapy (three different eye drops with different mechanisms of action) and are still progressing.
I’ve had patients who have mild visual field loss that barely impacts their daily functioning.
And I’ve had patients who are literally blind, with no perception of light in either eye, from aggressive glaucoma and improper treatment.
It just… depends.

Glaucoma Risk Factors

What does glaucoma depend on?  Well, that’s where some risk factors come into play.
  • Age – generally, a younger diagnosis is a worse prognostic factor
  • IOP – often (but not always), the higher the IOP, the greater risk of damage
  • Being black, Asian or Hispanic
  • Family history – glaucoma is definitely hereditary.  If a close family member has glaucoma, and especially if they went blind from glaucoma, tell your eye doctor!
  • Medical conditions: Other medical conditions, like diabetes, heart disease, and high blood pressure, put stress on ocular tissues and can increase the risk of glaucoma.
  • Thin corneas – odd, but true
  • Being extremely nearsighted or farsighted
  • Eye trauma


Since glaucoma is a (generally) asymptomatic, potentially blinding disease, please go to the eye doctor regularly – especially if you have any of the above risk factors.  The sooner glaucoma is found and treated, the better the long-term prognosis.
Glaucoma is not a curable disease, but it is a treatable disease.  If you are diagnosed with glaucoma, follow your doctor’s advice.  If they say you need drops, you probably do.  If they say you need surgery, you probably do…even if you don’t notice any significant changes to your vision.
If you learned something from this post, please share it with a friend or family member!  If you liked it, please subscribe, or like my page on Facebook! And as always, if you have any questions or comments, please contact me – I’d love to hear from you!


Optometry in Focus: Macular Degeneration

Happy Friday, y’all!
First things first: if you haven’t guessed it by now, here’s the official notice – I will probably not be blogging here every week of 2021.  In fact, I know I won’t.
The 1/1/21 version of Hannah was feeling very ambitious when she made that goal… while concurrently starting a 100 day blog, increasing the daily patient load, working out more consistently, learning organ, organizing service music, and attempting to foster a social life.
Too ambitious.
And so, the 2/1/21 version of Hannah (or 2/5… whatever), is backing that goal down to something more realistic.  Like, maybe a post a month.
Okay, now, all disclaimers aside, let’s get to eyes.
As I have, somehow, managed to switch my career to the complete opposite end of the age spectrum, from pediatrics to the (often) very advanced in age (believe it or not, the exam techniques are pretty much identical), the primary diseases that I’m working with have changed as well.
The last two weeks, I have had the pleasure of discovering macular degeneration in a plethora of patients who didn’t know (or at least didn’t remember being told) that they had the condition.
Which, I guess, makes this the perfect time for a (somewhat) in-depth discussion on the disease.
Let’s get started.

What is Macular Degeneration?

Age-related macular degeneration, or AMD, most simply put, is a disease that causes a degeneration, or breakdown, of the macula, or most central part of the vision.

What happens in Macular Degeneration?

All macular degeneration starts with the dysfunction of special retinal cells called the retinal pigmented epithelium (RPE).  These cells are responsible for maintaining the health of the photoreceptors (light-receiving cells).  Without the RPE doing their job, byproducts build up, creating a toxic environment (with lipofuscin) and disruption of physical cell apposition (drusen), eventually leading to photoreceptor death.

During this process, the immune response is also activated, further damaging cells and, at times, leading to the formation of new blood vessels.  Unfortunately, the blood vessels that form, form quickly, and with improper barriers, allowing blood to leak from the vessel walls.  This blood is also toxic to retinal cells, causing further vision loss.

What causes Macular Degeneration?

The complete cause of AMD is unknown, however, all current research points to several factors coming into play in the disease process.
  • Genetics: Macular degeneration tends to run in families.  Not all of the genes responsible for AMD have been isolated, but a specific gene has been found that seems to explain ~50% of AMD cases.
  • Oxidative stress: Okay, so we all know that “oxidative stress is bad” and “anti-oxidants are good”, but how many of you have thought back to the mechanism of action behind this line of thought?  For those of you who haven’t, here’s a quick review:
    • In the process of cellular respiration (aka metabolism), glucose and oxygen are combined to create carbon dioxide, water, and energy through oxidative phosphorylation.  However, sometimes this process doesn’t work properly, and creates free radials (or reactive oxygen species) that easily react with, well, whatever they run into.  Over time, this can cause permanent damage to the cell/tissue/organ.
    • The eye, specifically the macula, has the highest metabolic rate of the entire body. Which means that it has the highest potential for free radical formation, and consequently, permanent damage from oxidative stress.
  • Inflammation: We already talked about this one, but, for those of you who missed the memo, inflammation, especially chronic inflammation, is really hard on the body – eye included.
  • Protein deposition: Again, this was mentioned above, but for a slightly different wording, physical separation, by any cause, of the RPE and photoreceptors is a recipe for cell death.

Type of AMD

Generally, AMD is divided into two types: dry, and wet.
  • Dry macular degeneration is characterized by a lack of neovascularization (leaky blood vessels).
  • Wet macular degeneration is characterized by the presence of neovascularization.

Unfortunately, these two types are not mutually exclusive.  Most individuals start out with dry macular degeneration, and may or may not progress to wet macular degeneration over the years.

Signs and Symptoms of AMD

From a patient standpoint, the earliest signs of AMD are normally distortions in central vision, or mild decrease in visual acuity.
Over time, this progresses to significant decreases in central vision.
*Note: I said central, because this condition ONLY AFFECTS the very center part of vision.  Side vision? That remains unscathed.  For this reason, patients with AMD may have a hard time reading, picking up small objects, or recognizing faces, but they won’t be running into walls, despite having a visual acuity that may be recorded as hand motion, or counting fingers at ___ feet.
From a clinical perspective, the first changes that I may see are generally drusen (cellular deposits) and pigmentation changes in the macula.  Over time, the drusen generally increase in number, and atrophy (or tissue loss) at the macula becomes more obvious.   In some (wet) cases, there may be bleeding or blood around the macula. In other (dry) cases, there may be significant atrophy – to the point where we describe it as “geographic.”  Finally, in very late stage (wet) AMD, there may only be a large (disciform) scar visible in the area where the neovascular net/membrane previously was.

Who gets AMD?

Macular degeneration has several known risk factors:
  • Age (with the risk being highest for those over 80)
  • History of smoking
  • Obesity
  • Family history
  • Being caucasian
  • History of excessive UV exposure

Treatment for (and Prevention of) Macular Degeneration

One of the greatest preventions for AMD is simple: DON’T SMOKE.
(Yes, that is in all caps, bolded, underlined, and italicized. This is the number one modifiable risk factor.  You can’t change your age.  You can’t change your family history.  You can’t change your race.  But you can change whether or not you smoke.  And yes, even if you’ve smoked before, STOPPING NOW IS BENEFICIAL!)
The second greatest prevention? Eat right.  No, I’m not a dietician, and can’t tell you 100% what you should eat, but a healthy diet with healthy fats and green leafy vegetables has been shown to increase systemic inflammation – and that affects your eyes too.
For those who already have AMD:
With dry AMD, I always tell my patients that there’s good and bad news.  The good news is, it generally progresses slower, and may never result in super significant vision loss.  The bad news? There’s not much we can do for it. Some people suggest “eye vitamins”, but really, the specific AREDs formulation has only been shown to have an effect in eyes that already have moderate to severe disease.  And so, those are the only ones that I really suggest it for.  Otherwise, just pay attention to your vision, and come in if you think you’re noticing changes.
With wet AMD – good news! There are treatments!
Unfortunately, they’re generally shots.  In your eyes.
However, these intraocular medications have been proven to reverse blood vessel growth.


If I’m honest, prognosis is probably the hardest part for me to talk about with patients, because there’s no guarantee.  Some people stay at early to intermediate stages indefinitely, and notice relatively mild visual changes.  Other people progress more quickly, and have much more significant visual concerns. At the end of the day, the only thing I can promise is this: as an eye doctor, I will do my best to help each of my patients see as much as possible for as long as possible.
Sometimes that means taking vitamins.
Sometimes that means a referral to a retinal specialist.
Sometimes that means working to find the right magnifiers for reading and other near tasks.
Sometimes that means a relatively minor glasses change that helps you feel more visually confident.
Sometimes that means finding filters that increase contrast to help in certain environments.
Sometimes that means educating about lighting – when it may be too much, or too little.
Sometimes that means connecting you with a center that works with the visually impaired.
Sometimes that means a referral to vision or occupational therapy to learn how best to use your remaining vision.
Sometimes that means having the hard conversations about not being able to drive anymore.
And sometimes that means just being there while you process the information, and being available to talk if you need to.
If you learned something from this post, please share it with a friend or family member!  If you liked it, please subscribe, or like my page on Facebook! And as always, if you have any questions or comments, please contact me – I’d love to hear from you!


Optometry in Focus: Dry Eye

Happy SaturdayMonday…Tuesday, y’all!
So, full disclaimer – I wrote this post on Saturday, only to be too tired to post it after a long day of traveling. When I finally looked at my blog on Sunday (since some of the content of my post felt familiar), I realized that I had already posted something dry eye related several months ago, in the form of a discussion on Computer Vision Syndrome.
But, who wants to let an hour or so of blogging go to waste?
Certainly not I!
Besides, considering the prevalence of dry eye in society, what harm will another post do?
Okay… now back to the post!
Today’s blogging challenge?
Coming up with a topic that I don’t need wifi to complete.  #inflightprobs
Thinking of flying though, I guess there’s no better time than now to discuss a common flight (and winter) problem:  dry eye.
So, before we can really jump into what dry eye is, let’s go over a quick ocular anatomy review!
First things first: the cornea.
    The cornea is the clear, front surface of the eye, that is responsible for a significant portion of your vision.  If this surface becomes hazy, clouded, swollen, or irregularly patterned, it causes significant distortions to vision.
    Around the cornea is the limbus – a special transition zone, where the cells responsible for corneal formation reside.
    After the limbus, we arrive at the conjunctiva.  The conjunctiva (or conj for short) is actually another thin, clear layer, that covers the rest of the front surface of the eye (the bulbar conj) and the inside of the eyelids (the palpebral conj).
    All of these anterior (or front) surfaces are bathed by tears to remain healthy and clear.
Great, we’re done now, right?
Not so fast.
Let’s take a little bit of a deeper look at the tears themselves.
Tears are, believe it or not, comprised of three layers – the mucin, or protein layer that allows the tears to remain on the front surface of the eye, the aqueous, or watery part of the tears that, well, helps them maintain the proper moisture content of the front surface of the eye, and finally, the outer lipid, or fatty layer.
These three layers work together to protect and nourish the front surface of the eye, by providing oxygen and nutrients, carrying vital immune cells, and washing away debris.
Okay, now onto dry eye!
Dry Eye

So, first things first, dry eye is an inflammatory condition affecting the anterior (front) surface of the eye. 

Dry eye, as everything else in life and optometry, comes in a couple of different forms:

  • Aqueous deficient – not enough (quality) tears are produced 
  • Evaporative – there’s not enough lipid, or fatty, component in the tears, causing them to evaporate more quickly, leaving the anterior segment dry and irritated.
These two types of dry eye, naturally, have different causes.
Aqueous deficient dry eye, as a problem with production, may be associated with age to corneal nerves, dysfunction of the lacrimal (or tear producing gland), or simply a natural age associated decrease.

Evaporative dry eye, on the other hand, is caused by improper lipid formation.  This is often due to a disease called Meibomian Gland Dysfunction, or MGD for short.

Who Has Dry Eye?
If I’m honest, literally anyone can suffer from dry eye.
Dry eye, as I’ve mentioned before, can be significantly exacerbated by external forces, such as a dry environment (ie an airplane or the desert), fans, heat, or air conditioning.
Additionally, dry eye may be worsened by excessive screen time, as screen time is proven to significantly decrease blink rate, and therefore tear distributions, as well as contact lens overwear.
Finally, dry eye has also been shown to worsen with age, disproportionately impacting post-menopausal women.

Signs and symptoms
While dry eye may affect anyone and everyone, the signs are typically similar in all age ranges of patients.
Generally, patients present with complaints of red, irritated, watery eyes, that often feel like something is in them.
They additionally also report variable vision, that seems to improve for a couple of seconds after blinking.
In addition to just physical signs and symptoms, your eye doctor may perform several tests to better understand your specific dry eye.
    Tear Break-Up Time (TBUT): In this, the doctor literally measures (in seconds) how long it takes for your tear layer to start dissipating or breaking up on the front surface of your time. This test is generally short – under 20 seconds total, 10 for each eye.  The lower your score is, the worse dry eye you generally have.
    Tear Meniscus Measurement: This test just involves looking at the amount of tears that lie on your lower eyelid while looking from behind the slit-lamp (big microscope). If it is too low, it is generally a sign that not enough tears are being produced.
    Schirmer’s Test:  Schirmer’s is another test of the amount of tears produced by the eye.  In this, a little piece of paper is put between the eye and the bottom eyelid for a (relatively) short amount of time, to quantitatively measure tear production.  This test has two varieties – one that involves numbing your eye first (decreasing reflex/automatic tearing), and one that… doesn’t.  **Not my favorite test**
    Phenol Red Thread Test: This test is very similar to Schirmer’s, however, instead of a smal piece of paper, a tiny red thread is place in between the eye and the bottom eyelid, to again quantitatively measure tear production.  This test is very quick (around 5 seconds/eye), and much less invasive than Schirmer’s – making it more enjoyable for patients and doctors alike!
    Corneal staining:  In this, a small amount of dye (generally fluorescein or lisasmine green) is placed in each eye, with the goal of highlighting inflammation on the front surface of the eye.  The staining pattern observed may help determine the cause of ocular dryness (exposure, etc).
    Meibomian gland expression: Meibomian gland expression is especially helpful when it comes to diagnosing MGD.  For this, the practitioner gently pushes on the meibomian glands (generally in the lower eyelid) to determine the expressivity and consistency of their lipid product (meibum).  Thicker meibum is generally indicative of MGD.
    Tearfilm osmolarity: Finally, or at least finally for now, some offices have the ability to test tearfilm osmolarity, typically using a device called Tearlab.  (How many of you remember back to Chemistry for what this means?  It’s something with number of particles/amount of water… right?). Higher values are more closely correlated with dry eye.
Phew. That was a lot.
Okay, so now that we know some of the ways dry eye can be diagnosed… what in the world do you do about it?
As a rule, there is a step-wise approach to dry eye treatment, that varies some depending on the original cause, however, I am out of time to write about them for today.  Catch y’all next time!
If you learned something from this post, please share it with a friend or family member!  If you liked it, please subscribe, or like my page on Facebook! And as always, if you have any questions or comments, please contact me – I’d love to hear from you!
If you’re interested in reading my first post, Computer Vision Syndrome: Addressing Dry Eye, click the link to check it out!
PS: My apologies for the formatting issues on this post.  I wrote it in Google docs (because, flying…) and then copied it over to blogger.  Lessons for next time…

Contact Lenses: Presbyopia and Contacts

Happy Thursday, y’all!

After a couple of weeks off, thanks to harvest, this cool rainy day provides the perfect opportunity to hit the blog again.  Today’s topic? Presbyopia and contact lenses!

As a quick refresher, presbyopia is the lovely condition that usually begins to rear its ugly head in people over the age of 40, in which the eye is no longer able to adjust focus from distance to near, making near tasks, such as reading and computer work, more difficult.

In my full discussion on presbyopia, I provided several spectacle options – reading glasses, bifocals/trifocals, and progressives – but what about those people who prefer to wear contacts? Are they out of luck?

Thankfully, no! There are lots of options for presbyopic contact lens wearers.  Let’s check them out!


Monovision is probably one of the oldest methods for providing near and distance correction without the use of spectacles.  In this, one eye is adjusted for near, while the other (the dominant eye) remains corrected for distance.  From my experience, this is most successful when relatively little near correction is needed, as it’s easier to adapt to small differences between the eyes, rather than large differences.  Unfortunately, with age, more and more near correction is needed, until reaching a plateau at 2.50-3.00 diopters of additional power.  This prescription difference is somewhat hard to quantify verbally, but it’s essentially like seeing the 20/20 line perfectly clear in one eye, and then only being able to see the 20/125 line with the other.  Yikes!
Naturally, this difference can cause a host of problems, from glare and halos in the near eye with night driving, to issues with depth perception, to simply discomfort during every day tasks due to the sheer power difference!
Needless to say, monovision is NOT my favorite option.  Let’s see if we can’t find something better.

Soft Multifocal Contacts

Soft multifocal contacts are a newer technology that is designed to provide both distance and near correction in the same lens.  These come in daily, two week, and monthly modalities, with a variety of designs.
For those who perform more distance tasks, but still need near help, a center-distance lens may be suggested.  Conversely, for those with more of a near focus, center-near lenses are an option.  In each of these, there is a power in the center (either your distance or near prescription) that is then progressively varied in peripheral rings to provide either distance or near correction.  Additionally, a few “simultaneous” options are provided that contain alternating concentric rings of distance and near power, where the user learns to focus on the appropriate image at the appropriate time.
Out of these, the center-distance/center-near designs are my favorites, as I find they are generally the easiest for adaptation.  However, soft multifocals are not for everyone.  Due to the dual power design of the lens, vision tends to be decent at all distances, but perfect at none. Nevertheless, these lenses provide an excellent option for those desire spectacle free optical correction, and can tolerate mild imperfections.

Hard Multifocal Contacts

For those wanting clearer vision while still wearing contacts, hard multifocal contact lenses may be an option.  These lenses work essentially like a bifocal (or trifocal) lens that sits on your eye – line included, with the premise that the lens will translate, or move, as your eye does, to allow you to reach the near portion in down gaze, and stay in the distance prescription in primary/central gaze.
Admittedly, hard multifocal contacts are generally not my go to, simply because I’m less comfortable with fitting them, and often find that only those long-standing hard contact lens wearers are interested in this option.  Nevertheless, they often provide clear vision at most distances for those who can tolerate their initial discomfort!

Spectacle Over-Wear

Last but not least, let’s cover the final option for contact lens wearers – having spectacle correction too.
In this, both the contact lens and spectacle prescriptions are up to you.  Do you prefer to be glasses free when you’re driving and looking in the distance? Or are you on the computer all day and prefer to only add your glasses for distance tasks?  Or, do you prefer to switch it up, depending on the requirements of the day?
Guess what?  With spectacle over-wear, you can do it all.
While I’m not yet to the presbyopic stage, this will probably end up being my preferred method by the time that day arrives, as it is arguably one of the most cost effective options that maintains vision quality.
For those preferring contacts for distance, great!  Buy some cheap over the counter reading glasses (of varying prescriptions based on the task distance) and store them where you’re likely to need them!
Conversely, for those who are more commonly working at near, get a cheaper pair of glasses (maybe even online…) to throw on when you need crystal clear distance vision!
Win. Win.
If you learned something from this post, please share it with a friend or family member!  If you liked it, please subscribe, or like my page on Facebook! And as always, if you have any questions or comments, please contact me – I’d love to hear from you!

Optometry in Focus: Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye)

Happy Monday, y’all!

With school back in session and cooler weather on its way, I suppose it’s time for a discussion on conjunctivitis, colloquially known as pink eye.

But first, let’s start with a quick ocular anatomy review.


Despite how tempting it would be to just post a picture with fancy labels and the like, I think this section will work the best if you stop what you’re doing for a moment and find a way to look at your eye – a mirror would probably be the easiest.
What do you see?
If you’re like most people, you’ll notice the colored part, or the iris, first.  If you get really close to the mirror or change the lighting, you should be able to see a change in the size of the dark hole in the center of the iris. This is your pupil, which varies in size to adjust the amount of light coming into your eyes.
Above the iris and the pupil is the cornea.  This clear structure is difficult to truly see in the mirror, but if you wear contacts, this is what the contact drapes over.
In addition to the colored portions, you’re surely able to see the white part of the eye, or the sclera, which functions to maintain the shape and structure of your eye, while providing a protective barrier!
What’s missing?
If you look very carefully (or wash your hands and gently touch the white part of your eye), you’ll notice that there’s an easily moveable jelly-like material that covers a majority of your eye (minus the cornea).  And, unsurprisingly, its this structure, the conjunctiva, that is highlighted in the post today!
Ready?  Let’s get to it!


Now that we’ve got the basic anatomy down, the question is: what is conjunctivitis?
For those of you fluent in medical-ese, you’ll know that the suffix “itis” means inflammation.  In this case, the inflammation is of the conjunctiva.
Now, conjunctivitis can come in various forms – predominantly bacterial, viral, and allergic – depending on the offending agent.  In each of these cases, a foreign object is identified by the immune cells circulating in the conjunctiva, which then activates the immune response to remove the unwanted material.  Unfortunately, this process creates inflammation – the symptoms of which are determined by the particle causing the immune response.

Viral Conjunctivitis

Viral conjunctivitis is inflammation of the conjunctiva secondary to an immune response to a viral particle. Common symptoms are:
  • Watering
  • Irritation
  • Mild light sensitivity
  • Pinkish red eye
  • Typically one eye, or one eye before the other
This often occurs in someone with a history of an upper respiratory infection, or exposure to someone with an upper respiratory infection.
Viral conjunctivitis is highly contagious (arguably the most contagious type of conjunctivitis).  For this reason, when people present with viral conjunctivitis should refrain from touching their eyes (it easily spreads between eyes as well), wash hands frequently, clean pillowcases, and use their own hand towels, etc, to prevent the spread of the infection to others in the household.
Unfortunately, especially considering the high transmission rate of viral conjunctivitis, there is no true treatment for this condition (just as there is no treatment for the common cold).  Rather, the focus is on reducing symptoms through cool compresses and artificial tears.  In cases of extreme symptoms, providing there is no corneal involvement, topical steroids may be used.

Bacterial Conjunctivitis

Bacterial conjunctivitis, as could be assumed, is inflammation of the conjunctiva caused by an immune response to bacteria.  Common symptoms are:
  • Deeper (beefy) red eye
  • Irritation
  • Significant discharge
  • Typically one eye, or one eye before the other
Bacterial conjunctivitis is also contagious, however, generally less than viral.  Additionally, this condition is generally easily managed with topical antibiotics.

Allergic Conjunctivitis

This topic is one that I already covered in my post on ocular allergies.  For a quick review, however, allergic conjunctivitis is inflammation of the conjunctiva in response to, well, a number of different particles (of non-viral or non-bacterial origin).  Common symptoms are:
  • Light red eye
  • Itching
  • Mild watering
  • Potential swelling of eye lids
  • Normally both eyes at the same time vs one then the other
Allergic conjunctivitis is NOT contagious, so there is no concern of spreading it at school or between family members. Additionally, allergic conjunctivitis can be treated with over the counter or prescription topical (or occasionally oral) medications.

Parting Advice

Regardless of the type of conjunctivitis, it is important to remember to wear glasses, rather than contacts, during times of ocular inflammation.
Additionally, if you are experiencing symptoms, it’s always wise to talk to your optometrist, even if you think you may know what’s going on.
If you learned something from this post, please share it with a friend or family member!  If you liked it, please subscribe, or like my page on Facebook! And as always, if you have any questions or comments, please contact me – I’d love to hear from you!

Contact Lenses: Ortho-K (Corneal Reshaping)

Happy Monday, y’all!

In today’s post, I’m taking a break from the world of neuro to answer a reader question.

JM writes: Do they still do corneal molding?  I did that for a while and loved it! I wore contact lenses at night, took them off in the morning, and could see without anything!  After a while, I didn’t even have to wear them for several nights at a time and could still see!  Freedom!!

First off, thank you so much for your question, JM!  And, believe it or not, yes we  still use corneal reshaping (or ortho-keratology) in practice! Keep reading to learn more!

Ortho-Keratology (Ortho-K)

What is Ortho-K?

As JM described in her question, Ortho-K is a process by which the cornea is molded by wearing specialty hard contact lenses over night to correct (myopic/near-sighted) refractive error.

How It Works

This process that was first introduced in the 1960s uses a gas permeable lens design that sits directly on the cornea, rather than slightly vaulting over it, to create a flattening effect.  This flattening decreases the radius of curvature of the cornea (steepness), secondary to temporary epithelial redistribution, therein decreasing its convergent power.  As myopic or near-sighted eyes have a focal point in front of the retina, this change in convergence repositions the focal point, optimally on the retina.

With that in mind, it only makes sense that different eyes will require different amounts of flattening to correct the prescription, with higher prescriptions necessitating more flattening, and lower prescriptions needing less.

This flattening is focused over a (generally) four millimeter treatment zone.


Once the decision to pursue Ortho-K has been made, the process of fitting and prescribing generally goes something like this:

  1. Complete eye exam, including refraction, dilation and thorough front surface/corneal evaluation: Ensures the health of the eye and determine the current refractive needs
  2. Corneal measuring, using a keratometer: Determines the parameters of the lens for fitting
  3. Lens fitting, or actually putting lenses on the eyes: Making mild adjustments until the appropriate fit and vision are achieved
  4. Insertion/removal training: Learning how to properly use the lenses themselves
  5. Lens dispensing: Sending the lenses home
  6. First follow-up: Generally a morning appointment after the first night of wear, with the lenses still in, to verify the fit of the lenses after wear
  7. Additional follow-ups: Often spaced at one, two, four, and eight weeks to continue monitoring stability of fit


As JM mentioned, Ortho-K can be incredibly freeing, allowing patients to go without glasses or contacts during the day (and sometimes even a few nights).  This then provides an attractive, reversible alternative to LASIK.


While Ortho-K can be an awesome option for refractive error correction, it isn’t for everyone.  Some common complaints are:

  • Lens intolerance: Ortho-K requires sleeping in a hard contact lens. For those of you who have never worn them, hard lenses are called hard lenses for a reason – they’re modestly hard pieces of plastic!  While most people adapt to the lenses well, some people cannot tolerate even overnight wear of the lenses.
  • Glare/halos/distortions: This process is literally moving some of the cells on the front surface of your eye to temporarily change the power, which can cause distortions in vision – especially when driving at night, in the form of glare and halos.  It’s the worst in patients with large pupils that extend past the treatment zone, putting those distortions directly in your line of sight.
  • Temporary correction:  While JM was one of those with a successful enough Ortho-K run to be able to go several days without retreatment, this is not the case for everyone.  Some people report visual changes before the end of the day, requiring additional lenses for clear vision in the evening.
  • Risk for infection: While this risk is relatively low, it’s worth mentioning, after all, Ortho-K requires sleeping in contacts.. which is normally highly discouraged by providers.
  • Prescription parameters:  Due to the corneal flattening nature of Ortho-K, is primarily indicated for people who are near-sighted, or myopic.  Additionally, it works best on moderate to low prescriptions, with mild amounts of astigmatism.

Additional Indications

In relatively recent years, Ortho-K has been investigated as a method of controlling myopia progression in children and teens, secondary to its creation of peripheral myopic blur.  This myopic blur serves to inhibit axial elongation (or prevents the eye from getting longer), therefore decreasing myopic progression.  While results vary by case, studies have proven that Ortho-K may reduce progression by, on average, 45%.  As such, Ortho-K is an attractive option for young, near-sighted individuals, as it provides unobtrusive day-time refractive error correction while concurrently reducing myopic progression.

Personal Experience

My first personal experience with Ortho-K was during the summer of my first year of optometry school, when I was lured by the financial gains and visual promises of a corneal reshaping study. The process went much like how I described above, with the exception of some additional study related measurements and paperwork.  All seemed to be going well until somewhere around a week or so into the study – I had even been able to go without wearing any lenses for the first time in like 13 years.  It felt so freeing!

Until I went out of the sun.

Everything was blurry. Everything had halos.  I got dizzy and nauseous just looking around.

But I was determined to succeed and convinced it would pass, if only I wore the lenses more.

(Mind you, this was over July 4th, and I was on vacation.)

I tried.  And tried.  And tried.  No matter how many hours I wore the lenses (which became increasingly difficult as the irritation of wearing the lenses increased), nothing got better.  I was miserable.

Finally, I texted my contact in the study and informed her that I could take it no longer.  Whether she liked it or not, I was done.  I threw on my brother’s glasses (which happened to be just the prescription that I needed during the transition), and never looked back.

A few weeks later when I returned to school to turn in my lenses, I discussed my results with the study coordinator.  Our best guess theory was that a combination of my relatively large pupil size and moderately high prescription (I was at the upper bounds of the study limits) created the distortions that plagued me during the study, and while we were curious of the effects of a larger treatment zone on my visual outcome, I was too over it to continue.


Considering my personal experience, it would probably be reasonable to wonder if I believe in prescribing Ortho-K lenses at all.

Admittedly, it did take me a while to come to terms with the benefits of the lenses, but now, I am happy to prescribe corneal reshaping therapy.  It definitely has its place in current optometric practice, and over time, I have come to accept that my experience was more of an exception, rather than the rule.

With this in mind though, I am more cautious with Ortho-K prescribing, typically preferring it for younger patients with fewer visual demands and a lower prescription.

If you learned something from this post, please share it with a friend or family member!  If you liked it, please subscribe, or like my page on Facebook! And as always, if you have any questions or comments, please contact me – I’d love to hear from you!

(Neuro)Optometry in Focus: Cranial Nerve Basics IV-VI

Hello, and welcome to part 2 of my Cranial Nerve Series!

In the previous post, I introduced cranial nerves and discussed the basics of CN I-III.  Ready for IV-VI? Let’s get started!

CN IV: Trochlear

Cranial nerve IV, or the trochlear nerve, is solely responsible for controlling movement of the superior oblique muscle, which functions to help rotate the eye in an inwards motion (intorsion).  As such, CN IV is a general somatic efferent nerve.  
Like the oculomotor nerve, the trochlear nucleus originates in the midbrain.  However, instead of immediately going forward towards the eyes, the trochlear nerve crosses to the opposite side, and then passes dorsally (posteriorly or to the back) out of the midbrain, and then proceeds to wrap towards the eyes.  This pathway will prove very important in my CN IV palsies post!

CN V: Trigeminal

While CN IV was short, sweet, and to the point, the trigeminal nerve is anything but!  Trigeminal by definition means threefold, which speaks to the three primary divisions of the trigeminal nerve… which doesn’t sound bad, until you look at all the many subdivisions of these three.  Think you’re ready?  Hold onto your hats, and let’s give it a go!

Cranial nerve V is a mixed nerve, containing both sensory and motor components. For the sensory side, the trigeminal nerve conducts sensory signals via generals somatic afferent fibers from a number of smaller nerves that we’ll discuss further in a moment.  On the motor side, the trigeminal innervates the muscles of mastication (chewing), as well as a few others that I’ll briefly cover.  Due to the embryologic origins of these muscles, the signal is transmitted via special visceral efferent fibers.

Interestingly, rather than having a single nucleus like CN III and IV, the trigeminal nerve actually has four nuclei: three sensory (primary, spinal and mesencephalic) and one motor.  These, essentially, end up passing through a majority of the brainstem, converging into the trigeminal ganglion near the petrous portion of the temporal bone.

From there, as previously mentioned, the trigeminal splits into three branches: the ophthalmic (V1), the maxillary (V2), and the mandibular (V3).


  • Sensory nerve
  • Further divides into:
    • Lacrimal nerve (lacrimal gland/upper eyelid)
    • Frontal nerve
      • Supraorbital nerve (sensory from skin of lower forehead)
      • Supratrochlear nerve (sensory from nose/upper eyelid)
    • Nasociliary nerve
      • Anterior ethmoid nerve (sensory from nasal cavity)
      • Posterior ethmoid nerve (sensory from sinuses)
      • Long/short ciliary nerves (sensory for eye)
      • Infratrochlear nerve (sensory for conjunctiva and central upper eyelid)
  • Sensory nerve
  • Further divides into:
    • Infraorbital nerve
      • External nasal nerve(sensory for skin on side of nose)
      • Internal nasal nerve(sensory to nasal septum)
      • Superior labial nerve (sensory for upper lip)
      • Inferior palpebral nerve (sensory for lower eyelid)
      • Anterior superior alveolar nerve (sensory for teeth)
      • Middle superior alveolar nerve (sensory for teeth)
    • Meningeal nerve
    • Pterygopalantine nerve
      • Lateral superior posterior nasal (sensory for nose)
      • Medial superior posterior nasal (sensory for nose)
        • Nasopalatine
      • Major palatine (sensory for palate)
      • Minor palatine (sensory for palate)
    • Zygomatic nerve
      • Anterior zygomaticofacial nerve (sensory from far side of face)
      • Posterior zygomaticotemporal nerve (sensory from far side of face)


  • Sensory and motor nerve
  • Sensory:
    • Buccal nerve
    • Inferior alveolar nerve
      • Inferior dental plexus (sensory for teeth and gums)
      • Mental nerve (sensory for teeth and gums)
    • Lingual nerve (sensory for tongue and floor of mouth)
  • Motor: (muscles of mastication)
    • Mylohyoid
    • Anterior belly of digastric
    • Tensor palantini
    • Masticatory muscles
    • Tensory tympani

Phew! We made it!


CN VI: Abducens

Last, but not least (for eye people anyway), in today’s cranial nerve discussion is cranial nerve VI.  The abducens nerve is responsible for innervating the lateral rectus, or the muscle that allows you to turn your eye out.  As such, it is made of general somatic efferent fibers.

The abducens nucleus is located in the pons, or the middle portion of the brainstem.  Like CN IV, it has an interesting path through the skull that predisposes it to lesions… but we’ll talk about that more in CN VI palsies!

Annnd that’ll be all for today!  Tune in next time for CN VII-IX!

If you learned something from this post, please share it with a friend or family member!  If you liked it, please subscribe, or like my page on Facebook! And as always, if you have any questions or comments, please contact me – I’d love to hear from you!

(Neuro)Optometry in Focus: Cranial Nerve Basics I-III

Howdy, y’all!

Since it’s been a while since I wrote any neuro-related posts, I figure it’s as good of time as any to begin a discussion on cranial nerves.  Let’s get started!


What are cranial nerves?

Cranial nerves are simply the 12 pairs of nerves that originate in the brain, and then travel to various parts of the body.  Typically, these 12 nerves are referred to by roman numerals.

Before we dive further into each of the 12 cranial nerves, it’s nice to have some understanding of, well, nerves.  So here it goes:

Nerves can be classified in several different ways, but the most common are:

  • Size
  • Conduction speed
  • Function
  • Origin
For right now, I primarily want to focus on function.

One major functional distinction is sensory versus motor.

  • Sensory nerves carry information regarding your senses to the brain.
  • Since they are going to the brain, they are considered afferent
  • Motor nerves carry information from the brain to the body to create movement.
  • Since they are coming from the brain, they are considered efferent.

Nerves may also be classified as special or general.

  • Special nerves are those related to special senses – sight, smell, hearing, taste, and balance.
  • General nerves are for everything else.
Finally, nerves can be responsible for either somatic (general body) or visceral (internal organ) functions.
Okay, I think that covers the basics. Now onto cranial nerves!

CN I: Olfactory

The Olfactory nerve is responsible for smell.  There’s some debate as to its classification – special somatic afferent or special visceral afferent.  Regardless, it’s a sensory nerve for a special sense!
Interestingly, this nerve doesn’t have a technical nucleus, but rather originates in the nasal cavity, with its branches passing through the cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone.  This creates a perfect location for picking up smells!
The fibers then travel to the olfactory bulb to become the olfactory tract, and then pass to other parts of the brain to play roles in memory!

CN II: Optic

The optic nerve is most optometrists’ favorite.  After all, it’s the one we work with all the time!
Due to its role in sight, the optic nerve is again a special nerve that carries sensory information to the brain – special somatic afferent!  Like CN I, CN II does not have a nucleus.
You can read more about the pathway of the optic nerve in my post: How Do You See?

CN III: Oculomotor Nerve

With the oculomotor nerve, we’re starting to get into more interesting territory!
CN III is a motor nerve that actually has two branches – one for somatic muscle and one for visceral muscle! For this reason, the oculomotor nerve is both general somatic efferent AND general visceral efferent.
Unlike CN I and II, CN III has a true nucleus – the oculomotor nucleus.  This structure is located in the midbrain (uppermost) part of the brainstem. Fibers then pass forward (towards the face) through the cavernous sinus and into the superior orbital fissure where it divides into two branches: superior and inferior.
The superior branch of the oculomotor nerve is responsible for somatic innervation of levator and superior rectus.  As an optometrist, these two muscles are extremely important, as the levator is responsible for movement of the upper eyelid, while the superior rectus helps to lift the eye up!
The inferior branch of the oculomotor nerve provides somatic innervation to the medial and inferior rectus muscles, as well as the inferior oblique.  Once again, these muscles are important in optometry, as the medial rectus turns the eye in, the inferior pulls the eye down, and the inferior oblique helps to rotate the eye!
The inferior branch of the oculomotor nerve additionally carries visceral (parasympathetic) innervation to ciliary muscle and pupillary constrictor.  These are once again important to optometrists, as the ciliary muscles drives accommodation (or the ability to focus), while the pupillary constrictor muscle is responsible for contracting the pupil!
Well, that’s enough typing for now.  Check back soon for Part II of this series!
If you learned something from this post, please share it with a friend or family member!  If you liked it, please subscribe, or like my page on Facebook! And as always, if you have any questions or comments, please contact me – I’d love to hear from you!

Optometry in Focus: Eye Turns (Strabismus)

For those of you with children, have you ever seen your child’s eye turn in or out and wonder how concerned you should be?

In working with pediatrics, this is one of the more common questions that I am asked, and so, for tonight’s post, I’ll try to shed some light on eye turns.  Check it out!


The Basics

Eye turns, or strabismus, can be described in several ways.  The first is by consistency, with the deviation being either constant or intermittent.  The second is by time of onset – whether congenital/early onset or acquired.  Eye turns can also be described by the direction of the eye turn. In this, the eye can turn in (esotropia), out (esotropia), up (hypertropia), or down (hypotropia).  Finally, a single eye can turn, or the eyes can alternate.


At the end of the day, essentially anyone can have an eye turn. However, early onset eye turns may have a genetic component. Additionally, eye turns may be associated with ocular pathology or problems with the development of the brain (ie hydrocephalus).  Inward eye turns that are worse when focusing at near may be associated with a moderate to high far-sighted prescription.
Acquired eye turns are more likely to present after an acquired brain injury, as a result of damage to the nerve pathway.


The biggest sign or symptom of strabismus is simply an eye turn. However, additional signs include closing or covering an eye and blinking excessively.  These both may be indications that your child is seeing double.  The first is used to remove the second image formed by the deviating eye, while the second is used to help focus.
In new onset or acquired strabismus, double vision, or diplopia, is common, as the brain has not adapted to automatically suppress the additional image.  This may be perceived as blur. 


The complete explanation behind early onset eye turns is not fully known, but the basis is this:
All eye movements are controlled by six muscles on each eye.  These 6 muscles in turn are controlled by three cranial nerves (in each eye).  Damage to the nerve or the muscle can cause  deviation from normal eye position and movements.

When to be Concerned

In the first few months of life, it is very common for your child’s eyes (as well as the rest of their body) to not be perfectly synced.  They’re just trying to get the hang of coordinating and focusing, so this should come as no real surprise.
However, if an eye turn continues after the first 3-4 months, or is constant or always the same eye, it’s worth getting checked out to rule out pathology.  Additionally, a constant, or near constant, eye turn is a risk factor for ambloypia – decreased vision that is not attributable to glasses prescription alone!
Additionally, if you ever notice a new onset eye turn, or your child begins to complain of double or closes an eye for specific tasks, an exam is warranted.

Treatment Options

The treatment options for eye turns vary significantly depending on the size, direction, and frequency of deviation.  Large angle deviations often end up requiring surgery to decrease the demand on the muscles.  Smaller angle outward eye turns, or exotropias,  may be managed by vision therapy, additional minus lens power, or prisms.  Inward eye turns, or esotropias, especially those associated with focusing the eyes (accommodation) may be managed by plus lenses, prisms, or in more rare cases vision therapy.
Eye turns up or down (though the eye that is higher, or hyper, is more typically referenced), are less frequent than eye turns in or out.  When they’re small, prisms, or a combination of prisms and vision therapy, may be used for treatment.  Larger deviations, as before, are more likely to be surgically managed.
And there you have it!
If you learned something from this post, please share it with a friend or family member!  If you liked it, please subscribe, or like my page on Facebook! And as always, if you have any questions or comments, please contact me – I’d love to hear from you!

Optometry in Focus: Ocular Allergies

Happy Friday y’all!

First things first: how many of you haveseasonal allergies?

If you’re anything like me, (especially when residing in Texas) allergy season has come to include every month of the year.  Interestingly, while most people are aware of the effects of allergies on their sinuses, I find that many people are unaware of how allergies affect their eyes.

Insert today’s post!  Let’s get started!

Ocular Allergies


Pretty much all allergic reactions in the body have the same basic cause: the body identifies something (an antigen) as a foreign entity, and decides to attack it.  Allergies specifically are associated with a Type 1 Hypersensitivity reaction, mediated by the specific antibody Ig-E.  In this, the Ig-E antibody that is specific for the antigen that you’re allergic to (ie pollen, dander, etc) binds to an immune cell called the mast cell, which contains products that are meant to destroy or remove the antigen.
The most prominent product in mast cells is histamine.  This chemical causes all the typical allergy symptoms – a runny nose, watery eyes, and itching!


The most common symptoms of ocular allergies (as could probably be guessed from above) are:
  • Watery eyes
  • Itchy eyes
  • Swelling
  • Mild discharge
  • Blurred vision
Some additional signs of ocular allergies are:
  • Redness (generally in both eyes)
  • Papillae (little red bumps on the inside of your eyelids)


Ocular allergies are treated much in the same way that systemic seasonal allergies are treated.
The first course of action is to remove the offending agent – aka, stay away from  what you’re allergic to!
However, when you’re allergic to the air in the entire state, that’s hard to do.
The second step is to take systemic allergy medications.  More often than not, these can be over the counter.  However, if your allergies are severe, you may need stronger, prescription medications.  If possible, try to stay away from decongestants though, as they can cause dryness and increase ocular irritation.
In the case of ocular allergies, it is often necessary to specifically treat the eyes.  I most commonly advocate for the use of over the counter eye drops before proceeding to prescription mediations.  My favorite drop is Pataday (olopatidine 0.2%), as it is relatively cost effective and only needs to be used once a day!  Other great the counter option are Zaditor and Alaway (both are ketotifen 0.035%), which are used twice a day.  Make sure to wait 5 minutes after using your drops to put in contact lenses or using any other drops.
As ocular allergies may be exacerbated by longer contact lens replacement schedules, I tend to prefer to fit patients with symptomatic ocular allergies in daily lenses.  This reduces the potential for buildup on lenses, and therefore decreases the likelihood of an allergic response.
Symptoms may also be mitigated by strategic hygienic considerations, such as showering in the evening and frequently washing pillowcases to reduce the number of potential allergens around the eyes while sleeping.
Finally, cool compresses are often helpful in reducing the itch that accompanies ocular allergies!
If you learned something from this post, please share it with a friend or family member!  If you liked it, please subscribe, or like my page on Facebook! And as always, if you have any questions or comments, please contact me – I’d love to hear from you!